How Free Is Free Will? We all know what free will means? It's what sets us apart from any other living, breathing thing on earth. Free will allows us to make choices, to actively participate in building our life's path. But are we totally free? Of course not.
No one has absolute free will. Not even America - "the land of the free."
Physical limitations and psychological conditioning restrict most of us from making choices that are harmful, or socially and morally unacceptable. For example, we have the freedom to jump off a cliff, but would you want to? Also, we have the freedom to say just about anything - it's our constitutional right. But do you really want to tell your spouse he or she is not your soul mate? We think not.
Clearly, our decision is some measure reflect the belief systems of our parents, society and country. But our decisions are also influenced by our character or personality, the part of us that is largely inexplicable. Some believe our fundamental character is determined by our genetic composition.
Some believes God or a Higher Power grants us our innate character, talents and circumstances. Then there is reincarnation, the belief that cause and effect, or karma, determines the outcome of our lives. Basically reincarnation holds that we are continually reborn until we achieve our full potential.
The Chinese believe that our destiny is a blend of fate and free will - a harmony of heavenly, earthly and human qi. They believe our character is a by-product of our fate. Our fate is determined by the first breath we take. Literally, we inhale our destiny, a composite of qi present at that exact moment. The method of calculating the composite of that Qi is called The Four Pillars Of Destiny or Bazi.