Jan 25, 2008
Dog Characteristic
Born Year : 1910, 1922, 1934, 1946, 1958, 1970. 1982, 1994
The Dog is a symbol of loyality and wisdom for the Chinese. It is one of the most likeable signs of the Chinese Horoscope.
The Dog value honour and enjoy helping other people.
A Dog person is loyal, honest and affectionate and deep sense of justive and fair play.
They are willing to fight for principles. A Dog person has great respect for tradition, moral and are very honest and straitforward.
They are warm and good active workers.
A Dog person is also intelligent, intuitive a good listener and have good judgement.
Tends to overestimate dangers, sometimes bad tempered when cornered. Sometimes simplistic, suspicious and obstinate.
They are not happy in love and hot headed. A Dog person is also full of anxiety.